We are ↘︎

About Us ↘︎

At Brightminds, we believe that it all depends on the right approach to the business requirements, whether you choose an agile or a traditional waterfall model. We treat each project as a new challenge, where we can prove time and time again our up-to-date knowledge, efficient working methods and the need to learn and grow with our clients.

Our team has many years of experience in software development, testing or even complete project management.

We established Brightminds Ltd. in 2021 to leverage our 10+ years of development and project management knowledge and our shared values towards one goal: to create value for our customers.

Csaba Miklós

Managing director
10+ years of software development experience
Miklós Csaba

Gergely Butor

Managing director
19+ years of project management experience
(9+ years IT specialized)
Butor Gergely

Our Solutions ↘︎

👨🏻‍💻 Software Development

Web development (MVC, Single Page apps) Mobile (iOS, Android, Ionic, Xamarin) Desktop (WPF, WinForms)
IoT solutions
sensors, smart devices

🧑‍🏫 IT consultancy

development testing business analysis project management

🧑‍🚀 Outsourcing

complete development packages professional teams unique expertise


Cellum Festipay TFSZ
KPMG Global Services
Hungary Kft.

Contact us

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